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Fall in Williamsburg

As the semester rolls on and fall break has come and gone, the things that Williamsburg has to offer to the William and Mary student (as well as its other visitors) begins to change.  The haunted tours of Williamsburg are great, and a hot cup of coffee from the Barnes and Noble before they start is a perfect addition to a fun evening.  Pumpkin patches and corn mazes, Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens, and all activities holiday related spring up around every corner.  Getting out and exploring these kinds of things helps take my mind off of the stress that can come with the work load of a graduate program.  As a second year student in the school psychology program, I spend half of my time in classes, and the other half at a practicum location learning how to be a school psychologist in a real setting.  It’s important to remember on top of all that has to be done with school, the little things on the weekends and during free time help keep you sane!!